Monday, October 11, 2010

A conclusion of sorts.

After 28 days, I was ready to end this project. Four full weeks was enough for me. But why did I not extend to a full 30 days like Morgan Spurlock does on his TV program?* The honest truth is that on what would have been day 30, I was scheduled to fly from Ft. Lauderdale to Manchester, NH.

Looking back in retrospect, skipping the opportunity to fly in hijab was a major FAILURE moment on my part, but I did make up for it later when I did it TWICE (videos to come later). I chose to not fly out of my own personal fears and insecurities, but at least I recognize that about myself.

*When I was finishing this project, I saw an ad on TV for Morgan Spurlock's episode of "30 days" where he sent a born-again Christian into the home of a Muslim family to experience life in their shoes for 30 days. It was a good program and I recommend it to anyone! Doesn't beat my project, but it is worth the hour to watch it.

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