Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 20- After Moscow attacks

The photo for this post comes from the Park Kultury metro station in Moscow where mourners laid flowers of those killed in the March 30 terrorist attack. 

I had every intent to stop my project the day before this terrorist attack, but in light of the information funneling out of Moscow that indicated that young militant fundamentalist Muslim girls had perpetrated this Moscow attacks, it almost seemed like a shame to hang up my scarf. 

I was greatly saddened by the attacks at the Moscow Metro, but I knew that while a terrorist attack such as this was fresh in the minds of people, it would be a great time to go out and further the purpose of this project. 

I was hesitant and nervous to don my hijab that morning, but in the end I am glad that I did. And what was more phenomenal that my early morning appointment that morning led me to a waiting room where I was sitting next to a young woman who recently immigrated from Moscow, and who had family effected by the terrorist attack. 

This was a great opportunity for continuing dialogue. I wished I had my video camera rolling when I met this woman... it was moving for both of us, I am sure. 

Watch my video for my account of what happened! 

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