Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 19- to extend or not?

19 days in, and I hit a crossroads. I knew that the ups and downs of the past week had me riding a serious emotional roller coaster but at the same time, I felt that it would be amazing to continue for a full four weeks, seeing as how I had almost made it to three full weeks and was still uncovering a bit about prejudice towards Muslims in post 9-11 America, as well as my own beliefs about the Muslim community.

Eventually I decided to continue, but that continuance was for another reason altogether. On what would have been day 21 of this project, and the day I was contemplating ending the experience, there was a terrorist attack in Moscow perpetrated by fundamentalist Muslim women who wore hijab. I took this as an opportunity to address prejudice head on when that seed of fear was sitting in the forefront of peoples minds.

But that is a story for another time.

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