Monday, October 11, 2010

Hatred Fills my Vlog

With such a public display of emotion on my video blog recently, you would think I would have prepared myself to receive another influx of hate-filled responses. But getting these responses through a public video channel posed a problem for me. 1)I didn't want to delete them and forget that they ever happened because it really was an illustration of the behaviours that people in real life were exhibiting, 2) I hated the thought of censoring people. If the goal was to start dialogue, then leaving hate filled comments could help facilitate that dialogue. but 3) I didnt want anyone to stumble across my video channel and think that these hate filled comments were representative of the way that I felt. Further, I didnt want to run the risk of compounding the usage of hate speech. So what did I do? I made another video:

and then wouldn't you know, that same day, I got my first message where I was outright called a terrorist.

I still dont know why I was called a terrorist, what do you think?

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